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The Call Specialist

Five phone booth in the street
Five phone booth in the street

Today I suggest you to tell the day or a significant event .
Don't forget to use Google Translation to improve your vocabulary.

The call specialist

Last week, Thursday, the lupus specialist called me because the creatinine was high.
I didn't understand the reason why it increased like that. It went up to 14.
I was depressed because he said if the creatinine keeps increasing, he is going to hospitalize me.
I stayed in hospital for one month this summer. I didn't feel like to come back it anytime soon.
He prescribed me a blood sample that I had to do next monday;
So I looked for a natural treatment in order to lower creatinine on internet.
I found that Aloe vera gel can help me to lower it.
Given that I bought Aloe vera gel, I began to drink it until Sunday.
Monday, I had to do a blood sample. So I had to stay fasting.
In the evening, I returned to the laboratory to take results
As I came in my car, I was in a hurry to open my letter. My heart beat fast.
When I saw that the creatinine had gone down, I was very happy and relieved.

Find the following words below:

l'appel du spécialiste--rester à l'hôpital--prise de sang--élevée--résultats--être pressé--augmenter--baisser--soulagée

Have fun!

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