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I found a great website to learn English

Hello guys! Today I feel like to talk about a website. Homophones It is great! It is a website that incites to work first of all oral. I have started english exercices for since yesterday. Lesson 25 deals with homophones. The pronunciation is the same...

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First, we are only going to enjoy music because it is a catchy song. -->Second,..." href="http://ameliorermonanglais.over-blog.com/2015/10/sing-the-sweet-escape-by-gwen-stefani-and-akon.html"> Sing The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani and Akon

Hello guys! I feel like to listen to a song. Why not listen to Akon and Gwen Stefani who sing "the Sweet Escape"? Here is the method I use to learn english while having fun : -->First, we are only going to enjoy music because it is a catchy song. -->Second,...

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Apprenez l'anglais avec Duolingo et devenez accro

Duolingo, site anglais gratuit Aujourd'hui, je vais vous présenter Duolingo. C'est un site gratuit qui vous permet d'apprendre l'anglais ou de progresser avec des exercices écrits ou oraux. C'est ludique car plus on réussit les exercices, plus on gagne...

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